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来源:http://www.aswjc.com/ 发布人:admin 发布时间:2021-06-11

What are the factors influencing the strength of GRC members?
1.搅动时间:搅动时间的长度应根据温度、水灰比及结构要求及时调整。一定下来,就严格遵守,不能凭感觉。搅拌量的大小直接影响 GRC构件的强度。加和不加减水剂的搅拌时间有很大差异。加了减水剂,搅拌时间大大缩短。
1. Stirring time: the length of stirring time should be adjusted in time according to the temperature, water cement ratio and structural requirements. We should strictly abide by it when we are sure of it. We can't rely on our feelings. The amount of mixing directly affects the strength of GRC members. The mixing time with and without superplasticizer is very different. The mixing time is greatly shortened by adding water reducing agent.
2.纤维含量:玻璃纤维是 GRC的主要增强材料。根据工业标准,玻璃纤维含量达到4-5%,即为合格 GRC。但实际上很难达到这个数量。一是不用那么多,3%-4%就足够了;二是产品表面一般不需要添加纤维。但是,若用玻璃钢网代替玻璃钢丝,则会出现严重的纤维含量不足,严重影响制品的强度。
2. Fiber content: glass fiber is the main reinforcing material of GRC. According to the industry standard, GRC is qualified when the glass fiber content reaches 4-5%. But it's really hard to reach that number. First, not so much, 3% - 4% is enough; Second, the product surface does not need to add fibers. However, if glass fiber reinforced plastic mesh is used instead of glass steel wire, the fiber content will be seriously insufficient, which will seriously affect the strength of products.
3. Additional ingredients: the additional ingredients seem simple, but they are very important. The quantity and variety of admixtures have an important influence on the product quality. Especially for Portland cement products, the addition of mortar improves the strength and toughness of the products on the one hand, and makes the products waterproof, salt resistant and acid resistant on the other hand( Main additives: water reducer, fly ash, silica fume, volcano ash, retarder, accelerator, acrylic emulsion, cellulose, etc.) Polycarboxylate superplasticizer has weak acidity, which can reduce the alkalinity of cement and reduce the corrosion of cement to glass fiber.
4.砂:砂的含泥量对水泥成分的强度影响很大。高强 GRC构件对砂浆含泥量的要求不超过0.3%
4. Sand: the mud content of sand has a great influence on the strength of cement composition. The requirement of high strength GRC component for mortar mud content is not more than 0.3%
5. High pressure injection molding process is adopted to ensure the product quality, and the air pressure should be stable.
对于影响GRC构件强度的各种因素就介绍到这里了, GRC构件生产商在上面已经给大家做了详细的总结,相信大家看完之后都会有新的认识。若想了解更多,可以关注我们的网站:山东GRC构件http://www.aswjc.com,希望对大家有所帮助。
All the factors that affect the strength of GRC components are introduced here. GRC component manufacturers have made a detailed summary for you. I believe you will have a new understanding after reading it. If you want to know more, you can pay attention to our website: Shandong GRC component http://www.aswjc.com Hope to help you.